Ano 06 nº 062/2018 – Do you remember?


Por Juliana Mendes

It was the 13th afternoon of September,

I clearly remember,
when a professor asked:

“How is it possible that someone so loved could commit suicide?”

I was the first to spit an answer,

a sharp “yes”

yet I didn’t know exactly why.

We were discussing Quiroga,

she gave us all of his one hundred shades of pain

and, for the first time in ages,

I felt that urge to cut again.

That question kept piercing my earlobe

abstracting me from any other thought

until I heard Hobo Johnson and the Lovemakers

performing Sex in the City

and I felt that loneliness hitting the door.

How is it possible for someone so loved

to feel so alone?

How is it possible for someone so sure

to feel so lost?

How is it possible for someone so strong

to feel so ashore?

Perhaps the problem is the amount of love

or maybe the fear of failing amidst show.

Deep in my guts I know the answer to that question.

It is still September and we’ll keep discussing Quiroga’s work.

Soundtrack: Sex in the City – Hobo Johnson and the Lovemakers

September – Earth, Wind and Fire

Autora: Juliana Mendes tem 28 anos, é carioca, mas acha que é gaúcha, graduanda em Letras – Línguas Adicionais: Inglês, Espanhol e Respectivas Literaturas. Escreve desde quando sua memória permite lembrar e mesmo com a escrita, de muito não lembra. Cats for life! MEAW”

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